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2023 had a lot of sights, success and Salted reunions. Read about our wins, will-dos and lessons learned too.
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A look back at 2022 — from lessons learned and celebrations, to the goals for 2023. And an updated Nutmeg photo, as expected. Buckle up, because this post is straight from an entrepreneur’s heart with raw insights and hopefully some relatable woes and wants.
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As I think forward to what 2022 might have in store for myself, my brand and the people I get to live this life with, I can’t help but to think back on the lessons, missteps and adventures from 2021.
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Looking back at the year, I am both amazed and astonished. I’m amazed at the sheer number of clients I’ve worked with and the level of growth I’ve reached. On the flipside, I am astonished at how quickly the time went by, and at how much was still left on the table to be done […]
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One of the biggest lessons I learned this year was the fact that I need to give myself grace, grace to mess up, grace to turn off work and set boundaries, but most importantly, grace to run this business in a way that makes me feel content and joyful, while also providing value to my clients.