The story is there and your experience is evident. Yet, the messaging just doesn't cut it. How do you reach the right people, show up on Google and pair all of that with a cohesive, converting web design? While my go-to title is SEO website copywriter, many of our clients have found solace (and success) in the focus my team and I have on the full picture — from how clients find you to what happens after they click that contact button. So please don't be surprised if you find a lot more than words when we work together.
✔ Copywriting with built-in SEO that boosts rankings (and leads!)
✔ A delectably unique brand voice that gives your business an edge
✔ More ideal clients who align with your values, and pay your rates
I'm Lauren. I pretty much can't go without mentioning that I'm a dog person, so there's that. I started this SEO copywriting business because of an admiration. I admired photographers and their ability to capture the essence of someone in photos, how they could create an art of their own with styling, storytelling and editing. I adored the small business world and the community that inspires as many ideas as it does friendships. Entrepreneurship is a lifestyle and each business owner I've met has created their own definition of what that looks like. No two stories have ever been the same.
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As I met these creatives and dreamers, I realized something was missing. They had wildly brilliant businesses, but they were sending all of their leads to websites without any words. Literally just photos, a short paragraph (or two) and a contact button. It made my heart drop and my marketing brain anxious. And when there were words, they lacked influence. They were cookie cutter, and I promise you, these were stale cookies. Their messaging just didn't align with who they were and the experience they offered. So I took to the keyboard, applying my journalism background and SEO skills to help others put their voice and values into words with flavor.
See what goes into copywriting for wedding photographers and read examples too. Plus resources for your messaging!
Here’s the rundown of the pros and cons of the web design platform, Showit. Plus, "Is Showit good for SEO?"
We've seen exactly what leads to success, and what leads projects astray. We've taken good notes, and are sharing them with you!