Let’s get acquainted with this florist website, shall we? Launched in early 2021, this stunning website has custom SEO copywriting from Salted Pages and it’s designed on a gorgeous Showit template.


The owner of this wedding floral business is inviting, warm and kind. Her copy certainly had to match! We chose the following words for her brand tone.

  1. Sweet
  2. Trustworthy
  3. Attentive

Copywriting for a florist

The recipe:

As for the overall goal of the project, this is what we started with.

  1. Depict what clients are looking for with an artistic draw
  2. Establish credibility with content that illustrates how well Kadee knows her trade
  3. Increase conversion rates with detailed information and clear calls to action


The brand statement:


“My company exists to provide high quality lush garden style floral design for wedding and events.”


Little Lady Floral is a wedding florist in Logan, Utah that handcrafts wedding bouquets, centerpieces, archways and more. Inspired by the dreamlike designs of English rose gardens, I gather fresh, untouched flowers in modern, detailed arrangements to cultivate a flawless “formed in nature” look. Let’s customize your wedding esthetic with an artistic floral design that conveys your style with grace.”

The design

I’ve seen some pretty quick website design projects, but I think Kadee broke the record. Within days of finalizing the copy, she grabbed a Showit website template and had her new website live in almost no time. I was shocked, and it was breathtaking.

Okay, but how did she get that done so quickly?

  1. She had a website template
  2. The copy was ready for copy-and-paste action (from Salted Pages of course)
  3. Her SEO settings were in the clear (again, a la Salted Pages)
  4. The photos were edited and ready to plug in
  5. She put the time into it

What Kadee said about the copy for her florist website

“If you’re thinking of working with Salted Pages… Don’t walk. RUN! I’d encourage all entrepreneurs to work with Lauren and book with her quickly. The process and finished product are 100% worth any investment. She truly grasped the direction I wanted to go and took steps to elevate my business further!”

P.S. Kadee and I went to high school together!

Did I ever tell you about the time that I moved to a teeny tiny town in northern Arizona? Listen in because this story is a real treat.

I was 15 years old and my parents decided to follow my dad’s job (chemical engineer) to a town with less than 4,000 people. My high school itself had about 200 kids. 60 kids in each class.

So to say that I was the new girl was an understatement with how fresh I was to this quaint little town. But I loved it. Having moved far too many times, this is the one place that felt right. Wide open skies. Dirt roads. And we even adopted my soul dog. My two years there were short to say the least, but I did meet a few people — one of which was a florist named Kadee.

Except, she wasn’t a florist back then, and while I enjoyed writing, I wasn’t a copywriter. We had friends in common and even studied for a huge chemistry test together. And that was about the extent of our acquaintance.

Until, in 2020, when she found me again on Instagram and realized that new copy, and a new website, was the best investment for her new business as we went into the new year. We caught up on the phone about all things high school, college and careers. And then she booked a copywriting package for her florist website. The rest is history and I am so glad our connection was renewed! Kadee is so talented and I wish I could get married all over again with her flowers at my wedding.

Get acquainted with this florist website & the converting copy

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