Entrepreneurship comes with its own waves of emotion and as of right now, I am astonished, excited, humbled and delectably proud.

On May 5th, 2022, Salted Pages was selected as the grand prize winner for the Business Plan Competition hosted by the Fort Worth Economic Development Department and Frost Bank.

About the Fort Worth Business Plan Competition

This all started in January when I applied to compete with other existing businesses. 20 applicants were selected. 15-page business plans were created to outline how we intend to grow our businesses. 8 finalists were selected. And on the 5th of May, I gave a 3-minute pitch followed by a 2-minute Q&A.

Three winners were selected by the judges — 50% of the score decided by the written plan, and 50% decided by the pitch.

Salted Pages was selected as the first prize winner. I entered this journey simply excited to learn, attend professional development workshops and ultimately dive headfirst into this incredible community. To be walking away with this honor, and the embrace of this city, is something I am still coming to terms with.

All I can say, is, thank you for letting me add a little flavor to the conversation, and for seeing and celebrating the zest of a #creativeentrepreneur.

The ingredients behind the scenes

These pages weren’t salted alone. Thank you so many advocates who helped me not only over the last few months, but over the entirety of this wild career I’ve been lucky to have.

Read more in the Fort Worth Report!

A pitch and a plan: Salted Pages receives grand prize for business competition

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