Inspired by the spellbinding glimmer of California’s golden coast and refined with a bit of Salted style, this Northern California wedding photographer’s website copy will transport you somewhere serenely sophisticated.

Lightly luxurious copywriting for an artistic photography website

“Lighthearted sophistication.” If I didn’t write that for one of our latest projects with Olivia Marshall, I’d steal it for myself (but don’t do that — there’s a copywriter out there who can get you something that’s genuinely yours). ⁣And honestly, that luxurious and light vibe is exactly what Olivia and her husband create with their wedding photography.⁣ Paired with a refreshingly beautiful Showit web design by our friend at Foil and Ink, this wedding photographer’s website copy makes even us a little envious.

The flavor:

Olivia’s background in fine art photography makes for a curated, yet artfully captured style. When it came to capturing that feel in her website copy, the DIY just didn’t work anymore, but our Salted copy had just the right recipe. For Olivia, it was important her brand voice came across as laid back and approachable but with a modern, refined take, so we used these words to guide the copy’s tone.

1. Personable. Kind. Supportive

2. Easygoing. Enjoyable. Fun.

3. Professional. Patient. Stress-Free.

The recipe:

  1. Incorporate the golden California theme without being over the top — use it to accentuate the more meaningful parts of the wedding, as opposed to the fleeting golden hour part of the day
  2. Add a twist to her website, feeling more like a cute and trendy boutique on the coast in SoCal as opposed to a typical photography website
  3. Include more about Olivia’s husband without making him the focus: “Husband and wife team”
  4. Help potential clients feel inspired by their work, drawn to its luxe feel while encouraged to linger with soft tones in the messaging
  5. Make readers feel like they know Olivia personally so that by the time they do meet, it’s essentially signed, sealed and delivered
  6. Feature a variety of work that clients can picture themselves in
  7. Convey Olivia’s personality while encouraging confidence in booking her
Artistic photography website, before and after

The brand statement:


“My company exists to document all the special moments in my clients lives- from being newly engaged, to getting married, and even after the wedding when they are growing their families. Our goal is to capture our clients in a very authentic, natural way so they can look back at their photos for years to come and feel like they are reliving every moment.”


“My philosophy as a Northern California wedding photographer is best described as finding the intentional details and unexpected delights in every moment and relationship. The catch-all for couples who crave photos overflowing with love, light and luxury. With an emphasis on film and digital photography, I blend the documentary, editorial and emotion-forward styles of photography to fully showcase your day. Capturing the must-have, meaningful moments but also paying careful attention to the details you’ve been dreaming about. All supported by a thoughtfully playful experience, bringing a fresh, calming vibe that makes everything feel like a leisurely, idyllic stroll through a colorful garden with only the landscape, people, celebrations and love surrounding us. Take it all in, while I take the photographs with my trusted signature style.”

Favorite samples from this artistic photography website

Artistic photography website sample of the photographer's bio
Artistic photography website sample of the photography mission statement

Artistic photography website sample of the photography bio

Olivia’s thoughts on the process

“Prior to working with Lauren, I had never hired a copywriter and always did my own copy for our business website. I’ve always struggled with talking about myself and my work, and usually left the photos to speak for themselves. However, I’ve seen how really good copy can not only bring in more clients, make you more trustworthy, and give you more confidence so that was something I was really wanting for my business.

It’s such a treat to have someone else talk about you and your work and find the right words to describe things that you never would have thought of! My favorite part was getting to read all of the initial copy Lauren created because I was blown away with how she was able to take a few conversations we had together and some answers I had given her and write so much about us that I never would have thought to write. She was able to see our business and work from an outside perspective and then infuse that into our copy and still make it seem so natural. I also loved our calls we had together brainstorming ideas- Lauren is so organized, detailed, and talented!

After seeing previews of my new website with Lauren’s amazing copy I am SO excited to share and really looking forward to future clients coming to my site! I definitely feel more confident with my website and my business in general after having worked with Lauren, which I’m so thankful for. I really feel like this is something that will separate me from other similar businesses and be able to attract the exact client I want to work with!”

The review

Everyone needs to hire and work with Salted Pages! I haven’t even published my new website yet and I’m just so happy with the copy she created. It’s so nice working with someone who really outlines every little detail and due date, is punctual, organized, and is so thorough you don’t even have to ask any questions since she has already answered everything. Lauren is amazing and I highly recommend using her for your business copy!

Artistic photography website

Does your DIY website copy feel a little bland for your artistic photography website?

We’ll add some flavor! Explore our website copywriting services to see how we can mix it up for your website. Meanwhile, the Salted Pages Pinterest has plenty more delicious copywriting tips.

An Artistic Photography Website That Radiates Luxury

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