blog ideas for photographers

You may feel otherwise, but as a photographer, you have access to a plethora of content for your photography blog. What I mean is — you’re taking a lot of photos, which means you have beautiful images to share on your blogs. In my case, I have a lot to say, but have to schedule in time or shoots to actually get photos taken. You, my friend, have photos up your sleeve, but you may have found that you struggle coming up with ideas for your blog.

Take advantage of those photos and use the below blog ideas to run a successful photography blog. Rather than overwhelm you with scores of ideas you’ll have to constantly refer back to, I’m providing you with three main categories. I blog for really talented photographers and these are the categories we focus in on to showcase their work, find new clients, and increase their search engine rankings.

Blog session recaps

This first idea is obvious, but let me give you the run-down on how to get the most bang for your buck when it comes to blogging client sessions. You can follow these tips on all types of blogs!

1. Pick the best images from your favorite sessions.

Your blog is the go-to for featuring recent work. Only showcase the type of work you want to get hired for. Don’t blog the family session you just did if you want to be seen as a destination photographer.

2. Optimize the images.

On most platforms like WordPress (my preference), you have the ability to optimize your images. You can use the image file name or title, as well as the alt text to describe the image and throw in relative keywords. For example, if you have a photo you took at Lake Louise of a destination wedding, you can title the image, “Lake Louise destination wedding” and in the alt text, put, “Bride and groom exchange vows in front of turquoise Lake Louise.”

3. Write at least 300 words. (Important for SEO)

This is often what throws off a lot of my clients. What are you supposed to put in the blog post? Here are a few prompts to help:

  • Describe the couple. How did they meet? Why did they hire you?
  • Describe the location. Was it raining or was the sunshine delicately flickering between the trees?
  • Tell a story. Talk about what the wedding was like, or any funny things that happened while you were taking the photos. This is a great opportunity to highlight unique things you do with your clients, i.e. how you pose them or get them to smile genuinely.

Why 300 words? This is the generic minimum amount recommended for blog posts. It shows Google that there’s enough content on that post to send people to your website.

4. Include SEO keywords

Include keywords specific to your business to help your website increase its search engine rankings. You can use tools like Google’s keyword planner tool to get ideas.

Blog about your photography philosophies

In between session recaps, you can use your blog as a space to expand on your personal photography philosophies. Are you an unposed photographer who wants to be there, unobtrusive, capturing candid moments? Or are you all about creating the perfect moment with gentle guidance and poses? Maybe you’re something in between or another thing entirely. While this information should be on your about page or experience page, you sure as heck can talk about it on your blog too. Perhaps you can tell a story that happened recently, detailing how you made a photo shy couple feel at ease with the camera.

Keep in mind that potential clients will be reading this content. Win them over with your unique tastes and don’t be afraid to weed out those who disagree. You don’t want them to hire you if they’d be unhappy with how you do things.

Share educational content

As you grow your photography business, you may find that there’s an opportunity to work with other photographers, sharing your knowledge and helping them too.

You can use your photography blog to educate your audience. Accordingly, talk about the gear you use, how you got into photography, tips for harsh lighting, etc.

Other photographers will look to you for guidance, improving your reputation, and potential clients will see you as a knowledgeable trustworthy source. Win, win! Plus, photographers need photos of themselves too so don’t count them out as potential clients.


I can’t wait to see how your blogs turn out. Be sure to maintain consistency and use SEO keywords for the best results. Tag me on Instagram @saltedpages and I’ll share your latest blog! Oh, and if you need help blogging, I offer blogging services for photographers. Check it out here.

Blog Ideas for Photographers to Get More Traction

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