Welcome to a day in the life of a copywriter. Well, a dog-loving, work-from-home, copywriting-company-founder, travel-seeker sort of a copywriter. That would be me — Lauren.

In less words and with a little less flavor, I work entirely from home and my niche is SEO website copywriting for creative entrepreneurs. I also have a full-time contract writer working with me side-by-side (but from her home in Austin; I’m in Fort Worth).

(Watch our Instagram Reel on a day in the life to see this in action!)

Most days consist of:

  • Walking the dog
  • Yoga
  • Making a fresh pot of coffee
  • Journaling (to clear my head and de-stress)
  • Reviewing my top 3 to-dos
  • Using the morning to write the most pressing item
  • Checking in with my team through Asana
  • Replying to emails (in the afternoon only)
  • Sharing behind the scenes on Instagram Stories
  • Reviewing the status of ongoing projects
  • Ensuring that client reminders and important emails are going out (love using Dubsado for this)
  • 0-2 meetings at most (again, only in the afternoons — these are almost always new client discovery calls, kickoff calls or revision calls)
  • Planning the next day’s agenda

Frequent copywriting tasks

  • Writing a home page for a creative entrepreneur (or about, portfolio, services…the list goes on)
  • Completing SEO research to find the right keywords for the project I’m working on
  • Infusing those keywords into the content so it feels natural, but is also worth ranking (let’s get you to page one!)
  • Writing SEO-rich blog posts to help you drive more organic traffic to your website
  • Researching competitors — reading their customer reviews, paying attention to what they do and don’t mention on their website, looking at their prices, reviewing their Instagram presence and more
  • Building and researching products for our copywriting template shop

Weekly breakdown:


The reset and refresh day for the entire week: planning out the calendar, scheduling social media content, checking in on projects and ensuring that the week’s goals are on track. I also meet with my team to check in, review questions, brainstorm new ideas and develop social content together.


Tuesdays and Thursdays are my main writing days, so I usually avoid the inbox and Instagram too, so I can focus on pure writing. It’s bliss.


Ah, a strategy day. New projects start on Wednesdays, so I’ll spend the morning reading questionnaires from the client, preparing a brief, editing presentation slides and immersing myself in the voice of the client. Then, we spend a 90-minute video call with the client reviewing their project’s objectives, tone of voice, developing an outline and making sure we’re overall on the same wavelength.


This is either another pure writing day (less admin and email time) or a VIP Day — a one-day project scheduled from 9:30 to 4:30 completing the research, writing and revisions all in the same day.


We don’t take meetings on Fridays — and for good measure. This serves as a catch-up day, travel day for a weekend trip or as an education and networking day. For example, I’m writing this on a Friday and just got back from coffee with a mentor! I also work on website copy templates on Fridays.

Hourly breakdown:

8-9 am: Wake up

While I am most creative in the morning, don’t get that confused with being a morning person. I like to take my time easing into the day. Luckily, I have the most interactive alarm (my dog) who wakes me up between 7-8 for her bathroom break and breakfast. She’ll come back between 8 and 9 when it’s time for my breakfast too. Honey bunches of oats is almost always on the menu.

9-9:45 am: Walk the dog and practice yoga

You could say this part of my day unleashes the creativity. It’s true, though! I *always walk the dog (she wouldn’t let me skip this part) and I try to practice 10-20 minutes of yoga 3-5 times a week.

9:45-10 am: Coffee and journaling

Then, I head downstairs to make some coffee and I sit in my office’s corner chair to journal any distracting thoughts. The Himalayan salt lamp is lit at this time! Then, I sit down at my desk to review my top 3 to-dos and get to work.

10-12 pm: Focused writing

This is where the words hopefully start to dance off the page. I pick the top writing task and focus solely on that — typically a page or two of content for a client’s new website.

12 pm: Take a lunch break

After a two-hour dash of writing, my stomach usually starts to talk to me so I’ll head to the kitchen. Lately, it’s leftovers, an avocado and cream cheese bagel with an egg, a frozen meal or something a little more homemade from my husband if he’s home. (I’m better with words than ingredients; what can I say?) I try to get some sun in here too, often eating on my back porch with the dog lounging in the grass nearby.

1 pm: Check emails

On an ideal day, this is the first time I’m even checking emails. Sometimes I’ll check them before eating and not take a lunch until 2 or so.

I take pride in not being a rapid email response kind of an entrepreneur, because as a writer, it would absolutely kill my creativity if I tried to stick to that standard. I admire others who can do both!

However, if I’m writing an email to you, that means I am not currently writing what you actually hired me for. (Interesting to think about, right?)

2 pm: Meetings and management

From this point on, I usually switch gears into meetings and admin. Whether it’s reviewing a project from my copywriting team, talking to a client about their revision requests on a video call or working on some SEO research.

4-5 pm: Clock out!

Occasionally, I’ll clock back in around 7 pm or so — turning on our fireplace with a glass of wine to set the mood for more creative work. Usually, though, this time is dedicated to the pup who cannot be fed past 5 pm without making it known. I also typically grab dinner with the neighbors, head to the pool if it’s a summer day or go for an evening walk.

And let’s not forget the let-dog-in, let-dog-out tasks that take place throughout!

Finding Inspiration for Copywriting

Another task that I actually love is finding inspiration. Whether it’s by setting the mood with a lit candle and lofi playlist, or taking a trip to immerse myself in new perspectives, finding inspiration is a key part of what I do.

At home, I always have magazines on hand — but they’re never for the same niche as what I’m writing about. For example, I love perusing through antique Architectural Digest magazines when working with wedding photographers. The way they describe the feeling and style of a room informs so much of what you can say about wedding photographs too.

When I’m traveling, I look for shops and restaurants that stand out. I pay attention to why they caught my eye. I also love finding inspiration from menus.

Ultimately, though, one of the most effective ways to find inspiration is by immersing myself in the world of my clients. By understanding their products, services, and target audience, I can tap into the unique aspects that set them apart from their competitors. I read customer reviews, sift through Instagram captions, look through their recent work and re-read my notes from one-on-one conversations to capture their voice and heart.

Tools and Resources for Copywriters

For Writing

Good ole Google Docs is our preference.


I love researching keywords with Ubersuggest, and tracking rankings with Google Search Console.

For Editing

Grammarly has a beautiful and free plugin that we’ll activate during our last proofreading stages.

For Project Management

Asana has become an influential tool that we use every single day. Clients receive their own dashboard with to-dos and clear deadlines. And I use a separate dashboard to assign my writers (or myself) with tasks.

For Onboarding & Invoicing

We have customized our CRM (Dubsado) to the ends of the earth to work seamlessly for tracking leads, booking clients, getting invoices paid and ultimately managing the back-end logistics of projects. We love their workflows to help us keep projects on time — from sending out check-ins to follow-ups, it’s become indispensable. (Keen on trying it out? Use the code SALTEDPAGES to save on your subscription.) And our contracts from The Legal Paige are loaded directly in the platform for contract signing too. (We do have a discount for them too — no shame. It’s saltedpages10 for 10% off!)

A day in the life of a copywriter, is a day that feeds my soul, and fills the page

So, you tell me. What’s a day like in your life? Whether you’re a copywriter or a wedding photographer, I’d love to hear it! We actually ask every client about a typical work routine to help us understand what feeds their soul, too.

Day In The Life Of A Copywriter

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